8 Simple Tips For Hosting A Party

8 Simple Tips For Hosting A Party

8 Simple Party Planning Tips Anyone else love to throw a good party out there?  Over the years, we started throwing a couple parties a year and have learned we love doing it.  Why?  We love throwing a party because we love having worlds collide and that’s what happens...
30 Things To Declutter in September

30 Things To Declutter in September

[Things To Declutter & Take Control of Your Home!] 30 Things To Declutter in September:  A list to inspire you to lighten your load and declutter your home.  Have a great month! Clothes with holes Old phone cases Frayed power cords beyond repair Expired...
The Chicken Checklist

The Chicken Checklist

Fresh eggs are wonderful but there are a few things you will need to do and buy before introducing you feathered friends to their new home.  Bringing home chickens is a lot like bringing home a new pet.  You’ll need to consider where they are going to eat,...